Contact Lens Types
We offer a full range of affordable lens options
Dailies are a great option for the occasional wearer. You use them once, bin them at the end of the day and so don’t need to clean them. They can be worn for sport or for social or special occasions. Dailies can be used to correct astigmatism (blurred distance and near vision) or temporarily replace your varifocals or readers.
Monthly wear contact lenses
Monthlies can really change your life. As the name suggests, you wear one pair for the month. You can either remove them every night for cleaning or sleep with them in for up to a month, useful for those who work nights or have early starts!
Varifocals/bifocals and monovision
If you’re used to wearing varifocal or bifocal lenses in your glasses then you have a few options. You can use varifocal contact lenses or monovision contacts where one contact lens is prescribed for near vision and the other contact lens for distance. We know this sounds strange but trust us, it’s a thing and it can work very successfully.
Coloured contact lenses
Coloured contact lenses add depth and greater definition to the natural beauty of your eyes. Ask about our wide range of coloured contact lenses.
Contact us to arrange your free contact lens suitability assessment.